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Want Some Free Wine?

I’m back dabbling with my Powerbook after a catastrophic hard disk failure. Having been stuck in the world of I.E. 7 and Firefox it is really apparent now how far Safari has fallen behind. Can’t seem to find delicious plug-ins or an imbeded blog posting tool. No bookmark syncing to other browsers on other OSs. And so much more.

But that isn’t my big problem. I built our family’s site and photo album using iWeb. It seems though that should your instance of iWeb get nuked you can’t import your existing site and keep going. The site is sitting there on my iDisk but how do you get it back into iWeb and keep using it? So, if anyone can tell me how to restore my .Mac hosted site created in iWeb back into iWeb I will send you some stunning wine.

iWeb was Ok to begin with but without an import feature that enables you to import and edit your existing iWeb sites it is really a bit of a joke. Am I missing something here?

3 Responses

  1. By Peter Noble on October 19th, 2006 at 11:02 am

    See now I came rushing here coz I’d found someone with the same issue – clean reinstall and now sites sit unimportably on iDisk.


  2. By EDUARDO URBANO MERINO on January 14th, 2007 at 10:49 pm

    i got the same problem, i change my mac but now i just cant put my iweb site back to mt mac, and i cant keep working on it. i need help!

  3. By K. Umut Turker on March 17th, 2007 at 4:28 pm

    I have the same problem, and write about it to apple. But only information I get from them was to build the site from scratch, which means to edit and design pages which includes more than 6,000 photos. :((
    please let me know if you’d find any solution.

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