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Macrodobia Blogged

It’s great to see the Macromedia bloogers in the middle of this mightly acquisition still blogging away. There are all kinds of rules and regs at play here. Mike Chambers has a great perspective on the proposed merger. As does Kevin Lynch. These guys are putting a much more human face on the announcement than that which could have been achieved through purely traditional communications.

Let me be clear – I’m not for a minute slighting traditional communications. They perform an essential technical function. And Adobe’s PR team has been doing a stunning job of late. (loved the article in The Economist last week!). Blogging is essentially dimensionalizing the content – making it richer and more interesting. I couldn’t find the Adobe blogs though.

It’s amazing how hard it is on many sites to find the blogodex. Sun and Microsoft are worldclass in this respect. Macromedia is pretty good as well – although they should also feature the link on their news site. Places the link to the company blogodex might be featured include:

  • the homepage (might be asking too much)
  • the news site (mandatory)
  • the developer site (mandatory)
  • the exec pages (pretty important)
  • other suggestions…

I also liked the overview Macromedia provided of it’s blogging efforts.

One Response

  1. By John Dowdell on April 23rd, 2005 at 4:32 pm

    Hi Andrew, thanks for the interest… the entry point to staff weblogs is not on the front Macromedia page, nor in the “News” section of the “Company” link (which holds Press Releases, the considered group wording of news).

    The “news” page I think of isn’t the press release archive so much as the combined staff/customer aggregator of Macromedia-oriented weblogs:

    For the exec bio page I’m not sure, because of these folks only one of them maintains a weblog.

    On the DevNet resource site “Weblogs” are listed towards the bottom:

    I’m trying to think of other pertinent pages but am drawing a blank… ideas…?

    tx, jd/mm

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