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Are You Generation C? Are we masters of the Youniverse….?

… or are you a HEDI? Entertaining read


Aka Masters of the Youniverse. The C stands for content, but it may as well stand for control freak. Rarely satisfied with their lot, this tribe (mostly male, mostly 25-40) “create their own content”. It’s also C for conceited, as they all think they’re hot enough to write a novel, make an iMovie, be a garage-band star, become a citizen journalist (blogger). In fact, they’re the personification of gravanity (graffiti meets vanity) – the arrogant desire to make your mark in the public domain. Some fancy themselves as minipreneurs and indulge in eBay trading. Others settle for insperience – bringing luxury experiences into their homes via cineplexes, boom-boom rooms and spa-ties.

One Response

  1. By Mark Dill on February 13th, 2006 at 10:26 am

    Hi Andy. I’ve been reading trendsetting.com for over a year now. They have a great way of helping take a different slice of things. Good resource.

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