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the new nomadism

This is a great read from over at the Economist.  Broken into a range of sections:

At Dell we call this The Connected Era.  Here’s a snippet:

Anthropologists and psychologists are investigating how mobile and virtual interaction spices up or challenges physical and offline chemistry, and whether it makes young people in particular more autonomous or more dependent. Architects, property developers and urban planners are changing their thinking about buildings and cities to accommodate the new habits of the nomads that dwell in them. Activists are trying to piggyback on the ubiquity of nomadic tools to improve the world, even as they worry about the same tools in the hands of the malicious. Linguists are chronicling how nomadic communication changes language itself, and thus thought. Beyond technology

The most wonderful thing about mobile technology today is that consumers can increasingly forget about how it works and simply take advantage of it. As Ms Canlas sips her Americano and dives into her e-mail in-box at the Nomad Café, she gives no thought to the specifications and standards that make her connection possible. It is the human connections that now take over.

One Response

  1. By Bruno Sarda on April 24th, 2008 at 11:01 am

    Thanks for sharing this Andy. Interesting. A European hotel chain that caters to biz travellers (Suitehotel) has created their own online community called http://www.nomadsphere.com, the tag line is ‘The Oasis for the New Nomads’. Check it out.

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