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Kudos To Read/Write Web…

GMSV shoots some kudos the way of Read/Write Web – Richard is based in Wellington, NZ.

Freeze-frame from the video stream: Just as Robert Scoble is wondering how we will ever keep up with the flow of news on new companies, Emre Sokullu and Richard MacManus at Read/WriteWeb perform the kind of public service that deserves a salute. They’ve assembled a current snapshot synopsis of the many players working various niches in the online video industry: sharing, intermediaries, search, e-commerce, editing and creation, rich media advertising, P2P, streaming and V-logging. Even those most plugged in to the business must have moments when they can’t quite recall what distinguishes Pixsy from blinkx or whether Vongo is available internationally (it’s not), so this serves not just as a quick catch-up but as a good reference that will grow with reader contributions. It’ll also work as a nice milepost, one of those lists you come back to five years or 10 years down the road for a reminder of how things evolved. Nicely done, folks.

One Response

  1. By Sameer on February 14th, 2007 at 3:45 pm

    Here Here. R/WW absolutely rocks.

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