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Attachments are the new Fax Machine

It doesn’t happen often anymore, but when someone asks me for my fax number I laugh, loudly. Blackberry users always elicit a light chuckle. Conference call dial-ins are just bemusing in an age of hangouts.

The prevalence of attachments though just baffles me. 

The idea of opening an attachment, adding comments, those comments not being able to be read given application incompatibility, waiting for the attachment to upload, endless searches for the right version of the doc… Attachments are bad. They are an artififact of another era.
Living in the cloud is a beautiful thing. We link to a doc in the cloud, we all edit and live in the most current version of the doc, comments are easy to see and resolve. Cloud docs are a productivity accelerant.

Attachments on the other hand need to be viewed with the same scorn as the fax machine – at one point useful, but today redundant.

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