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Use categories to color code Outlook.  I have a couple of basic categories:

  1. Q2: (picked this up from a Covey Workshop years ago).  This is all the big stuff – the projects I am working that align with big goals and that make a monumental difference.  This is the stuff you will be famous for.
  2. Hot:  All those burning issues and crisis that come-up.
  3. Core: The “being a good manager” stuff.  1:1s. Networking. Opps reviews. Meetings with the boss.

I have a few other categories as well.  The advantage of all this is that with one glance you can see where you are focusing your energy and effort.  By seeing it in big colored blocks you know where you are out of alignment with priorities and the fundamentals.

There is a side-benefit – when you use these same categories for tasks, all the stuff you have to get done is aligned as well.

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