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Forrester can’t stand up for falling down over iTunes

 THe Reg takes Forrester to task for wimping out on some terrific research into Apple’s iTunes’ sales growth:

Forrester says it wants the spin today to focus on other aspects of its research other than the 65 per cent drop. It can’t quite agree on the spin – “growth has slowed” says researcher Remy Fiorentino while Josh Bernoff says sales have “levelled”.

Bernoff is correct when he urges caution: we reported his warning not to extrapolate from a few quarters in our reporting – and put the ‘collapse’ in inverted commas. A ‘collapse’ it is indeed – few businesses can afford to ignore a 65 per cent in sales – but when married to the Neilsen data, we suggested that this brief era in the history of digital music may be drawing to a close – and the next one beginning.

It’s a pity today that beseiged by parties who have vested interests, and their own agendas, Forrester wants to downplay the implications of its valuable work – and instead it finds itself doing crisis management on behalf of Apple.

Source: Forrester can’t stand up for falling down over iTunes | The Register

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