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Stupid Is As Stupid Does

First it was the new Mailbox app with their silly counter that will one day tell you when you can use the product. Now it is Tempoai with their daft calendar app that you download only to be told they aren’t taking new accounts right now.


To Apple, stop the idiocy and take them out of the store. Why let your customers download products they can’t use. We actually pay for bandwidth. In Australia, we REALLY pay for bandwidth.

Imagine going to Amazon, downloading a book. Being greeted with blank pages and a message saying “due to the complexity of writing a book we will be releasing it one word at a time – we would hate for the book to crash”… or, sorry, “we aren’t accepting new readers right now”.

OMG, what a great idea… I get the analogy doesn’t work totally but you get the idea. Free doesn’t actually mean free to the user. Wake up developers. You are wasting the scarecist resource on earth. Attention.

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