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On Brand, Off Brand, Or, Just Funny

Not sure what to make of these new Air New Zealand Ads – apparently for Internet release only. Did elicit a chuckle though.

It’s also amusing that marketers somehow draw a line between the Internet and traditional media. As if though doing something on the web gives them a remit to be a little more risqué. That boundary departed a long time ago. If you are going to push the brand, push it everywhere.

Either way, gotta love the new Premium Economy seats. Looking forward to a trip in those soon!

One Response

  1. By Simon Hendery on October 17th, 2010 at 12:35 pm

    There’s a pragmatic reason this Air NZ campaign is web-only – its risqué nature would have been shunned by traditional media. Certainly the Kiwi ad standards body, the ASA, would have given it a serve but the ASA’s mandate doesn’t include policing the web.
    Air NZ have been experimenting with this split approach to online/offline for a while now. I can think of at least a couple of other web-only campaigns that have raised eyebrows for pushing the envelope on good taste.
    I agree with you Andy, it’s an odd branding strategy but I think in Air NZ’s case – where their brand values include innovation, agility, irreverence and informality – it seems to be working for them.

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