It’s always interesting to sit with a client and watch the fake news spew forth from CES.
Today’s from Samsung is a doozy.
Their announcements validate Soul Machines pioneering AGI Research and their fully autonomous digital teammates already deployed with leading global brands and corporations like P&G.
Humanizing AI isn’t easy. Soul Machines has been at it for over seven years – researching neuroscience, developmental psychology and cognitive science to create of the world’s first digital brain. To autonomously animate digital characters in a hyper-realistic human-like way, they need a brain. So that in the same way we as people use our human brain to interact, behave, engage with others and learn, Soul Machines digital people use a proprietary digital brain to do exactly the same things. The Five Levels of Autonomous Animation clearly lay it out.
It’s super interesting that many of the Neon videos appearing on Youtube are interspersing video footage of Soul Machines BabyX and digital people powered by our HumanOS™ It begs the question: is the hype and the marketing from Samsung NEON at CES little more than highly scripted CGI and video manipulation? Some are clear that what we are looking at is little more than vaporware at this point.
It’s hard to see any evidence of a digital brain working – but you can see that here and even engage with a digital hero. Many varieties of digital puppets already exist today – avatars, scripted CGI, chatbots and more.
Creating digital heroes requires a combination of advanced animation (Soul Machines Digital DNA Studio™ makes this possible) – and – a digital brain (Soul machines Human OS™). The combination enables a hyper-real experience that goes beyond look and feel to embrace conversational AI, learning, and more.
They are well outside the lab, commercially deploying the world’s first digital heroes with brands globally.
Time will tell what Samsung has beyond a science experiment in a lab and marketing hype is just another Digital Puppet or something more.
Validating technology is a good thing. Not sure pretending is as good.