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Wired News: Web 2.0 Winners and Losers

 Flickr wins in Wired News reader poll. Interesting that Odeo also gets high marks – need to go play with that. del.icio.us comes in at #3 – probably my fave.

Without del.icio.us, I’d be drowning in a morass of bookmark clutter. Seriously, drowning. Every article I’ve saved for later, every YouTube video I’ve earmarked for repeat viewing, every cache of free MP3s, every (ahem) NSFW page I come across. It all gets posted to del.icio.us. It’s truly a lifesaver.

One Response

  1. By Paulo on October 17th, 2012 at 5:03 pm

    より:Very good post. And to be on-topic with the post, I don’t know for you girls but to me hair is the most important facotr for my look. My hair stilist from the saloon where I go gave me for about 2 months ago some kind of hair oil which will make my hair grow faster and thicker. I don’t plan to spam this blog so, who wants to find more details can click on my name.Also i’m sorry for my bad english

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