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The Great Triangulation…

Awhile ago I wrote about how one of the key tenets of the Participatory Age is "triangulation". Using Google or Yahoo, you can pretty much triangulate any content on the web, skirting around the charging (business) models and formats in which the orignial content resided. Content gets repackaged and "place shifted" (taken from one format, say, a chapter of a book – and represented, say, in an online guide).

Steve has a great example of this in his post on O’Reilly’s Hacks Books. I’ll leave it to you to read – you’ll get the idea pretty quick. The other value of triangulation is the other content that gets connected to what you were orignially looking for.

One Response

  1. By Mark Dill on December 28th, 2005 at 8:02 am

    Happy New Year, Andy. Did you know your link to Steve’s example is broken?

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