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News Blinks & Pointers: June 5, PM ’05

  • WSJ says that Apple to use Intel chips, replaying the rumors running nearly everywhere… Yager has a good view on this.
  • Seems Dell is hot water in China for remarks made by a sales person. China worried about Dell? Give me a break. Lets not confuse Dell’s competitors using this to turn-up the heat. I worked with Dell for years – it’s unlikely you’ll encounter a more professional, savvy company.
  • Steve Jobs’ closet
  • Where to submit your podcast… a list of sites
  • And, five reasons to consider Podcasting… and some more… and some good thinking on the topic from Shel
  • PubSub introduces LinkStats – shows inbound and outbound links from a blog. I’m not sure I see these as a complete  communications metric but they are useful in monitoring activity. And, they do point to how active the community is.
  • Six reasons blogs are better than traditional journalism…
  • Visual bookmarks for the Web…
  • Worth listening to… PennSound… recording poets
  • Big Kiwi wine tasting in SFO
  • Illuminata has a blog!
  • Tim Porter on the future of the newspaper…

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