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NetNewsWire Acquired By Newsgator…

Probably old news to many of you but in searching for a news reader that integrates well with Outlook I stumbled across this:
 Acquisition of NetNewsWire strengthens NewsGator’s RSS Platform and extends it to the Mac esktop, Brent Simmons joins NewsGator team.

Denver, CO – October 4, 2005 – NewsGator Technologies, Inc., the leading RSS platform company, announced today that it has acquired NetNewsWire, the leading RSS reader for Mac OS X. NewsGator also announced that NetNewsWire will integrate tightly with the NewsGator Online synchronization platform. Brent Simmons, the creator of NetNewsWire, will be joining the NewsGator team as a product architect.

NetNewsWire is a great product – would be terrific to see it on Windows.

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