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USA Today reports Milbloggers are typing their way into history…

"The number of Internet Web logs — or "blogs," as online diaries are known
by American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan is soaring, giving people
everywhere unprecedented windows into servicemembers’ lives.

From 50 or so a year ago, the number of their
online journals is now about 200 and is expected to be near 1,000 by
the year’s end, say the bloggers themselves and experts who track the

The growth means a historic phenomenon is
gaining momentum: Anyone with access to the Internet can read many
first-hand accounts of life in a war zone within seconds after they’re

And the blogs are "full of real substance and
depth," says Jon Peede, director of the National Endowment for the
Arts’ Operation Homecoming program, which helps troops and their
families write about their wartime experiences. "They’re raw, powerful
reflections on the war."

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