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Links & Blinks | May 28

  • Three Minds – the Organic blog… which lead me to…
  • Findability.org – good read… which lead me to…
  • Social Software Building blocks
  • Interesting read from Nicholas Carr
  • User generated Advertising isn’t all its cracked up to be
  • Don McGlashan’s Warm Hand via Peter Griffin.. Which includes a song on a bad, bad PR Man…
  • As the PR man, working late, looks at the photos of the fire’s aftermath he managed to keep from the press, he reflects on the nature of his job:

    I look at the photographs once more in the Manhattan sunset
    The same light falls on the one of my wife and my kids
    Then I put them back in the file
    Permit myself a smile
    Keeping them hidden was the best work I ever did

    ‘Cause people like us, we do make the world better
    And if it’s better for us, it’s better for everyone
    I open the window to the rush hour sirens on West Street
    I see the Power and the Glory all over this town
    All over this town…

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