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Samsung has executed a stunning brand campaign that has established it as a worldclass brand. Evidence of that came today in the latest Interbrand rankings. According to AdAge:

(AdAge.com) — In a reversal of fortunes that has been building for years, Samsung trumped Sony on Interbrand’s Top 100 Brands list. On the just-released 2005 poll, published in conjunction with Businessweek, Samsung has taken Sony’s No. 20 spot this year, while Sony dropped to No. 28.

Sony, in fact, topped the list of companies that lost the most brand value, dropping 16%, more than any other company in the top 100. On the other side, Samsung, which was No. 21 in the 2004, ranked in the top five of companies whose position climbed highest, with a 19% increase in brand value.

The overall top 10 brands on the list for 2005, in descending order, are the Coca-Cola Co., Microsoft Corp., IBM, General Electric Co., Intel, Nokia, Walt Disney Co., McDonald’s Corp., Toyota Motors and Marlboro (Philip Morris USA).

2 Responses

  1. By PR Machine on July 29th, 2005 at 5:08 am

    Some of these individual brands BusinessWeek ranks have “economies” larger than the GDP of France!

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