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Read John’s post over at Brandshift… good read…

"Companies spend billions on market research to divine the needs and wants of consumers and businesses. Yet the new-product failure rate remains high. And we’re not coming up with better product concepts by listening to the voice of the customer. Why? Maybe the customer isn’t worth listening to."

I worked for John Roth at Nortel – he said the same thing differently… listen to the leading-edge customers. The ones right at the bleading edge. In other words, don’t listen to the ordinary. Innovation doesn’t come from the ordinary – it comes from the edge.

John W says it right – focus on participating with customers. Inevitably a vast amount of businesses don’t sell to the end consumer. We participate in a value stream. We need to participate to truly understand the value our products create. And then we need to innovate around that value.

FD: I write for Brandshift

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