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A Blog Isn’t A Press Release…

You guessed it, it’s a blog. When you blog it is certainly content for the media to use – but it ain’t a release. Although some blogs are increasingly reading like press releases… :-).

Blogs make news. Press releases make news. Things can result in a similar outcome, but be different.

Where Steve and I do agree is enough is enough on the old “die press release die” debate. So, rather than fuel the flames on this one all I’m going to say is scour through my blog for multiple entries on this.

A press release performs a technical communications function that is necessary to delineate official and non official communications. That it is sadly abused and often ill executed is a different issue.

I also agree with Tom – it’s time for a rethink of the mainstream release – I like his ideas. But maybe where we diverge is that I like the idea of reinventing the release, not killing it. It remains an important communications tool.

Kevin has some good thoughts on this as well.

2 Responses

  1. By James on March 3rd, 2006 at 4:20 am

    Good point, my favourite press release of late:


    8 (eight!) mentions of 2.0 😀

    Love the pics of sophia on the sidebar!

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