Archive for May, 2005

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Pitching Bloggers…

During a Blog 101 Workshop on Monday I was asked about pitching bloggers. I get a few pitches a day. I’ve yet to write about one of them. Most
are silly requests to link to a new web site, etailer or communications
service. Some are just the usual bulk mailings from PR people that
don’t know any better.

My simple rule is don’t waste your time unless it is carefully tailored to what we write about and you genuinely think we might be interested. We don’t have slow news days. We don’t carry a story quota. Fellow Corante contributor Suw Charman has a lengthy post on what not to do while also pointing to post on Corante by Michael O’Connor.

So, some thinking on rules for pitching bloggers:

  1. Tailor it. Massively tailor it. No standard pitches.
  2. Don’t post the pitch to our blog. Drop us an email.
  3. Don’t ask us to link. Invite us to take a look at your material, blog, or product. We’re smart enough to figure out the rest.
  4. Don’t follow-up. Read our blog – that will tell you if we were interested.
  5. Most of us barely have enough time to blog so it’s unlikely we’re going to be interested in your survey.
  6. If you are going to insist on pitching bloggers, only pitch people you read. Never, never pitch from a MediaMap list.
  7. Be warned, we will probably post your pitch. As Michael says, the NYT can’t do that, we can.

Steve asks about which bloggers can you trust when it comes to pre-briefings and the like. One could equally ask which journalist can you trust… While I’m concerned that people suddenly start treating mainstream bloggers as a news service, here are some thoughts:

  1. Understand why you are pre-briefing bloggers. If it is just to be hip and cool, don’t do it.
  2. Restrict your pre-briefings to major bloggers who are acting as news drivers. Spend time identifying the news drivers. The more you expand the scope of briefings, the more likely the news will break before you want it to.
  3. Read and get help understanding SOX and SEC disclosure guidelines. If you are pre-breifing on material information for publicly traded companies you might find the US Govt has you wearing a little ankle bracelet before you know it.
  4. Understand that we are not media – so it’s much harder for us to pay attention to all the logistics around embargoes and the like.
  5. Ask whether we are interested in being briefed at all.

This begs the question of why a blogger would want to be pre-briefed. Frankly, I have little interest. The corollary is in big media. The opinion and editorial journos at say the Post, NYT or WSJ wouldn’t be that interested. The news folks might. So, while the simplest answer to "can you trust a blogger" is, "that all depends" – the issue of pre-briefing goes much deeper than that. Suddenly the PR person really needs to understand the blogosphere, bloggers and their needs and not overlay prior practices – that worked for the media – on this new influencer set.

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More and more product launches, communities and brands are incorporating blogs as a way of engaging with their constituents. Today’s new entrant is Star Wars who have buried blogs in their community site. To find them you are going to need to force on your side but they are there! Here you go…

Blogs are much more than traditional brand extensions. They are brand activators, providing a platform on which the community can come together to share, interact and broaden their experience. You’ve got to pay to play, but hey, every community membership has its price.

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Is good, really good. And do, here are three food blogs I’m liking:

Chocolate & Zucchini
Holy Shitake
The Food Section
Delicious (not a blog but a great mag…)

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News Blinks & Pointers: May 17, AM ’05

  • Looking up words on your Mac…
  • Is that a Condom in your PodCast
  • Now that’s the way to build subscribers… Start charging more… It perhaps the dumbest marketing move of the tear, The New York TImes will, for a fee, provide exclusive access to Op-Ed and news columnists on, easy and in-depth access to The Times’s online archives, early access to select articles on the site, as well as other exciting features. All this will encourage me to do is dump my print subscription all together. The FT is looking nicer by the day… Isn’t EPIC looking real?
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WSJ On Newsweek and Unidentified Sources…

Well worth a read

At the same time, the Internet has led to unprecedented scrutiny of the accuracy of articles. Media criticism is now a staple of mainstream Internet sites as well as of bloggers, and cable news channels have joined in, putting news publications under a microscope.

And, from the Opinion Journal:

The problem in all three cases is that news organizations were so zealous in their pursuit of the next quagmire or scandal that they forgot their first obligation, which is to tell the truth. Until those in the mainstream media are willing to acknowledge that it is this crusading impulse that has led them astray, we are unlikely to see the end of such journalistic scandals.