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Pointers, Pointers Everywhere…

I’ve been thinking about how we can determine how much of the blogosphere is simply pointing vs. creating content. This is the difference between journaling and scrapbooking. And both happen on the same blog frequently – especially this one. And sometimes in the same post – where the scrapbooking is complimented with heavy editorial.

Seems Blogpulse has now identified 10 million blogs, ranking Yahoo as the most cited news source. Those are interesting words. News source. That’s all the are – like Google. They merely package – using people. Google uses machines. I wonder how much of this is a result of utility vs. popularity – Yahoo’s persistent archives mean articles are around for a long time… But as this piece points out, that can’t be all it is as the dreaded NY Times came in second.

What this would suggest is that the originators are as important as the pointers.

The complete top-ten list:

• Yahoo! News (40,145 citations)
• New York Times (37,825 citations)
• CNN (27,099 citations)
• Washington Post (22,729 citations)
• MSNBC (20,116 citations)
• BBC (10,993 citations)
• The Guardian (UK) (9,788 citations)
• San Francisco Chronicle (9,706 citations)
• News.com (9,129 citations)
• Los Angeles Times (8,579 citations)

So where is Google News!

You can also read the most popular articles.

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