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New Blog Survey Out…

comScore has just released a new market research report (co-sponsored by SixApart and Gawker) on Blogging Behavior. Lots of great great stats and validation of blogging industry. Some of the highlights include:

  • Nearly 50 million Americans, or about 30 percent of the total U.S. Internet population, visited blogs in Q1 2005
  • Five hosting services for blogs each had more than 5 million unique visitors in Q1 2005, and four individual blogs had more than 1 million visitors each
  • Of 400 of the largest blogs observed, segmented by eight (non-exclusive) categories, political blogs were the most popular, followed by "hipster" lifestyle blogs, tech blogs and blogs authored by women
  • Compared to the average Internet user, blog readers are significantly more likely to live in wealthier households, be younger and connect to the Web on high-speed connections
  • Compared to the average Web user, blog readers visit nearly twice as many Web pages, and are more likely to shop online.

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