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The Final

The final of the “Really !@#$#$-up Rugby World Cup” is upon us and inspired by an email from Clive, I’m compelled to post. What to make of a pretty good Sth African side and England’s very own Dad’s Army rolling into the stadium?

Well, I was 50% right. The other 50% wasn’t what I was expecting. The memories of Paris weren’t quite what I’d anticipated either. The only cups us Kiwis got our hands on were full of cafe-au-lait. The only consolation was that Englishmen have never bought me so much to drink! It was a blast. I’d do it again.

As for the game. It will be a clash of two styles. Dull, plodding, English Rugby will run head-on into what is arguably the best team in the world right now – Sth Africa (I think they will land above NZ on the world rankings based on a win this weekend?). So long as they don’t get hypnotized by the ball flying overhead (something us Kiwis learnt a thing or two about from the French) and lulled into boredom by the forwards, Bill should be heading south again.

As for England – good job boys. You’re not the #1 team in the world, but you don’t play a bad game. As for your Refs, don’t get me started…

One Response

  1. By Iubitha on September 18th, 2012 at 1:06 am

    I have been sitting at this sceren for over 10 minutes now, wondering what to write. Words seem so inadequate. Firstly, my deepest sympathies to Hector’s family. May they all be surrounded in comforting, healing love as they come to terms with the sad new reality, life without Hector. But in many ways he’ll always be with them. In their hearts and memories, and in the wonderful recordings he left behind. He’ll always be alive in his music. I met Hector as a young girl, when he would come to our house to rehearse with my father, Costas. He would always make us laugh. His humour was infectious. His musical talents were astounding and his intellect was intimidating. He had a generous heart, a compassionate soul, and was a champion, always fighting the good fight. A true gentleman, and his family must be proud of the wonderful person that he was, and the amazing legacy he has left behind.Kalo kouragio and endless love to his beloved family.Kalo Taxidi, Hector.x

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