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Productivity Tip #4

I was inspired by today’s NYTimes to circle back on my productivity tips related to the email deluge that hits your email box each day. If you are suffering through a mountain of email, here are some quick pointers to slay the mountain.

  1. Maintain separate email addresses for separate purposes.  My Dell.com email is strictly for Dell.  I use my gmail account for all subscriptions.  My personal email is just that.  When I am looking in my inbox I am looking with purpose and less likely to get distracted.
  2. Create rules related to the people that matter.  If I get an email from Michael or Mark, it glows red.
  3. Create rules for all cc. mail.  The vice of many an office politician, cc. is an annoyance for the most part. So, all my cc. mail goes into a read later bucket.
  4. Look at your email 2-3 times a day max.  Never engage in email ping pong if it can be avoided.  Outlook isn’t a game.  By focusing your time on email you will motor through it faster, spending less time on correspondence that doesn’t matter. “Mencken’s 100,000 letters serve as inspiration: we can handle more e-mail than we think we can, but should do so by attending to it only infrequently, at times of our own choosing.”
  5. Create automated responses.  I use my signatures for this.  I’m old school believing all email worthy of some response.  So, I have a ton of standardized responses.  I don’t need to type “sure, I’d like to meet.  I’m snowed for the next week by Debora can work a time for us to connect” dozens of times a week.  So, it’s a signature file.
  6. Identify if an email is a task, reading assignment, or quick action.  If it is a task and you are using Outlook, drag it to your tasks folder and make a task out of it.  If a reading assignment, drag to a reading folder for when you do have time to read.  If a quick action, action and delete.
  7. Empty your inbox each day.  Never, ever, leave it full and aging.
  8. When on vacation, designate a colleague to scan and delete email.  If you have a full box on your return, look at the emails glowing read (see 2.) and delete the rest.  Trust me, if it is that important, they will bug you again.
  9. There are plenty of other great thoughts over at lifehacker and other blogs.

One Response

  1. By Shankar on December 24th, 2012 at 11:56 pm

    Вы говорите об Insurance Fraud одном из преступлений.Чтобы получить номера в другой провинции вам нужно предоставить доказательство проживания в ней.Можно конечно, найти друга, который пропишет у себя.Но как только случится дтп в вашей провинции и вы за него будете нести ответственность, страховая захочет разобраться что автомобиль с квебекскими номерами делал в этот момент в Онтарио.Если не всплывет ваш реальный адрес проживания, а он легко пробивается по правам (тогда вам тоже нужны квебекские), то пронесет .Иначе, страховая ничего не покроет, вам придется платить всё самому (а это могут быть сотни тысяч долларов, если кто-то из людей получил травмы), ну и заодно в тюрьму угодить.Automobile insurance fraud.A peorsn may illegally register their car to a location that would net them cheaper insurance rates than where they actually live, sometimes called rate evasion . For example, some drivers in Brooklyn drive with Pennsylvania license plates because registering their car in a rural part of Pennsylvania will cost a lot less than registering it in Brooklyn. Another form of automobile insurance fraud, known as fronting, involves registering someone other than the real primary driver of a car as the primary driver of the car. For example, parents might list themselves as the primary driver of their children’s vehicles to avoid young driver premiums.Ознакомьтесь чем вы рисковали в США и рискуете в Канаде.United StatesInsurance Fraud is specifically classified as a crime in all states, though a minority of states only criminalize certain types (i.e. Oregon only outlaws Worker Compensation and Property Claim fraud).19 states require mandatory insurer fraud plans. This requires companies to form programs to combat fraud and in some cases to develop investigation units to detect fraud.41 states have fraud bureaus. These are law enforcement agencies where “investigators review fraud reports and begin the prosecution process.”Section 1347 of Title 18 of the United States Code states that whoever attempts or carries out a “scheme or artifice” to “defraud a health care benefit program” will be “fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.” If this scheme results in bodily injury, the violator may be imprisoned up to 20 years, and if the scheme results in death the violator may be imprisoned for life.CanadaThe Insurance Crime Prevention Bureau was founded in 1973 to help fight insurance fraud. This organization collects information on insurance fraud, and also carries out investigations. Approximately one third of these investigations result in criminal conviction, one third result in denial of the claim, and one third result in payment of the claim.British Columbia’s Traffic Safety Statutes Amendment Act of 1997 states that any peorsn who submits a motor vehicle insurance claim that contains false or misleading information may on the first offence be fined C$25,000, imprisoned for two years, or both. On the second offense, that peorsn may be fined C$50,000, imprisoned for two years, or both.

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