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Corporations Adopting Blogging

From this morning’s Holmes Report – corporations are getting into blogging according to a new study by research company Guidewire Group and iUpload, a content management and corporate blogging software company.

89 percent of respondents are either blogging now or are planning to blog. And corporate adoption of blogging is
entering its “hyper-growth” phase: more than 50 percent of respondents have launched one or more blogs in the
last year.

Adoption is being driven by business benefits, including improved internal communications (cited by 77.4 percent
of respondents) and improved brand recognition (78 percent).

Barriers to adoption exist, but they are limited in scope compared to other emerging technologies, and are not
significantly related to technology issues themselves.

Of corporations that do not yet blog, 57 percent say they are unsure of the benefits, whereas 42 percent of those who do blog say that maintaining enthusiasm for the blog deployment is the largest barrier to success.

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