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Congratulations to Golin Harris and Nintendo for winning PRWeek’s Technology campaign of the year. And to Fleishman-Hillard for their Honorable Mention for the Zillow.com campaign. Both were exemplary programs with results that hit the bottom line. I loved Colin’s for its creativity. And, Zillow’s for the results and courage in banking on PR as the primary launch vehicle.

Congrats also to Manning Selvage & Lee and Philips Norelco: Creating Buzzzz for Philips Norelco Bodygroom – Product and Web – They picked-up the “Best Use Of Internet” category.

It was a privilege to be a judge in the awards. Couple of quick observations:

  • It was amazing how strong the consumer entrants were in both categories, and how absent the Enterprise players were. Get your entries in next year gang!
  • Measurement phrases like “impressions”, “OTS” and the like are bandied about like old hats. Keep using them – a couple of years ago we bemoaned the fact that most didn’t have good measures. What makes for a winner though is a direct correlation to bottom-line, business performance.
  • Participatory media (blogs, wikis and the like) still seemed to be, for the most part, an adjunct to the core PR program. The judges next year should see some of the first pure-play entrants where participatory platforms are the lead vehicle for engaging people.

And the biggest observation: this is one highly creative, dynamic industry to be associated with. Frankly, all of the finalists were brilliant.

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