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Arianna’s Blog…

Great idea from Arianna – but one that is likely to incense the blog purists:

Get ready for the next level in the blogosphere.

Arianna Huffington, the columnist and onetime candidate for governor of California, is about to move blogging from the realm of the anonymous individual to the realm of the celebrity collective.

She has lined up more than 250 of what she calls "the most creative minds" in the country to write a group blog that will range over topics from politics and entertainment to sports and religion. It is essentially a nonstop virtual talk show that will be part of a Web site that will also serve up breaking news around the clock. It is to be introduced May 9. – New York Times, April 25.

Nothing new though. Take a look at Corante. Walt is on the right track:

"This gives me a chance to sound off with a few words or a long editorial," said Mr. Cronkite, 88, the longtime "CBS Evening News" anchorman. "It’s a medium that is new and interesting, and I thought I’d have some fun."

I’m surprised more corporates aren’t pursuing the group blog. One group blog on a topic might be more powerful in terms of attracting readers and driving dialog than a multitude of smaller blogs – which often wander or aren’t powerful enough to ignite conversations.

One Response

  1. By Gary Potter on April 25th, 2005 at 10:07 am

    Geez, what a narcissist – “realm of anonymous individuals”? Give me a break.

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