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All Blacks Not Back…

As a much maligned All Blacks fan I can’t help but wonder what the English must be thinking after another drubbing down under.

I’m guessing that nobody that reads this blog actually watched the game so here is a summary – England looked pathetic. The All Blacks looked barely mediocre. One hack suggested the English were exposed as frauds. If that is the case, the All Blacks were exposed as not much better. Good in parts, mediocre for the main, poor primarily. A team riding on a brand and a bizarre coaching system that was exposed for what it is – a fraud – in the last Rugby World Cup.

As we head into the tri-nations tournament NZ will have to lots to not place second – or even third. With “Dingo Deans” coaching the Aussies they will no doubt look better than last year. Sth Africa are looking damn good.

The English deserve better from their team. Spiros says it all

It’s time for the British rugby media to start calling for blood among the pompous rulers of English rugby… It is a blight on rugby as world game that the country with the most rugby players, a king’s ransom in sponsor money – and the inventor of the game to boot – offers such a pathetic pretence of a national team on tour after tour (with the exception of 2003) to southern hemisphere rugby.

The England team not only need help with Rugby, they also need some serious PR counsel… get this…

Get the drift. It was somehow the fault of New Zealanders that England had no idea about how to run the ball or scrum or do anything more skilful than flopping over the ball for ruck after ruck. And, presumably, it was the fault of New Zealanders that a quartet of players enjoyed group sex with an 18-year-old girl.

Now get this from Stevens: “The events of the past week have pulled us together as a squad … Of course, another heavy defeat was not the way we wanted to end the season. One of the reasons we are looking forward to getting back to England is that we hope we will get a little bit more support from the media, and the England rugby supporters, than we have had out here.’

Oh dear. How can improvements and necessary changes be made at all levels of English rugby when rubbish like this is trundled out, seemingly with impunity, by a senior player?

You watch their club sides and it is a different game all together. But they really deserve better from their administration. Get rid of Rob Andrews. Hire a world-class coach. And get motoring.

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