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Interesting facts on ugc

Some interesting facts on user generated content from a recent Deloitte study… Highlights include data on:

  • User-generated content as an activity for all generations
    • 40% of all survey respondents are making their own entertainment (editing movies, music and photos)
    • One-third of online content viewing is done on user-generated site
    • An interest in traditional media for all consumers – even Millennials
    • 72% enjoy reading magazines over finding the same information online; 58% of Millennials agree magazines help them learn what’s “in”
    • Compared with online activities like surfing the Web and downloading music, all generations aspire to reading a book in the coming year
  • How habit and personal relationships drive Web traffic
    • Search engines and word of mouth are the most effective way to drive site traffic — 85% of Xers are influenced by a recommendation
    • 87% of respondents continually visit the same Web sites
    • The future: centralizing home media into one entertainment center
  • Millennials are combining different technologies and platforms:
    • 64% want to connect their TV to the Internet for viewing videos and downloading content to the TV
    • 57% want a device that lets them do everything
    • 49% want one device to be the center of the home media experience
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