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Will True Fans Buy Anything?

I’m not so sure. I’m a true fan of many brands. And man, the temptation is like nothing else when you are one. But normally logic prevails. Most people I know seem to be like that.

So why I buy the idea that building true fans – fans with no likely barriers to purchase – should be a mission for any marketer, I don’t buy they will actually do that. The true metric of a true fan, IMHO, isn’t the propensity to purchase but rather their propensity to promote.

That’s what makes net promoter one of today’s most important business metrics. And yes, they might drive 200 miles to see you sing… they just might not buy the albumn. The goal then is to convert them to buyers, sponsors and supporters.

So, the idea of true fans is a really powerful one. And Tim is right, this is critical reading for any marketer. And, we all ought to strive for 1,000 true fans.

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