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When Systems of Engagement Meet Systems of Interaction

Enjoyed a hour or so at the IBM event at Vivid today. IBM is super smart at pulling off these events – interactive, iPads for content and Q&A, great speakers.

John Tolva, former CTO of Chicago City and leader of smart infrastructure start-up PositivEnergy, whose “open government” initiatives included ubiquitous high-speed broadband and data analytics for citizen services has some great observations on the requirements for big data to exist. Specifically all those cables running alongside sewer pipes. The cloud seems lots less like the cloud through that lens.

Chicago is working some interesting projects to expose citizens to the carbon footprint of the city.

Dr Robert Morris – and Aussie leading IBM labs had some great thoughts on data and specifically the need to think about data in new ways. The system of record is exploding all around us and is in contrast to the system of engagement. More than half the data being created is now from sensors. This is going to drive demand for cognitive computing – rather than rules or model driven, it is learning based. Through cognitive computing we get to solve big problems where the system of record meets the system of engagement.

Other soundbites worth noting:

  • Analytics leads to an average of 8% increased efficiency and £3000 increased profit per employee” case study from UK.
  • Don’t forget the unsexy parts of Big Data: Standardising & Normalising – JT
  • Open Data = citizen empowerment
  • 50% of the worlds data is coming from sensors .. Dr Robert Morris, VP Global Labs
  • Challenge is to design a city thinking of its IA not just physical architecture
  • Drive digital engagement with citizens – make every community a smart community

Great event – pithy, sharp presentations.

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