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What Technology Wants

I’m really enjoying Kevin Kelly’s new book – What Technology Wants. Here are some of the tenets. Available from Amazon

  • Technology is the most powerful force on the planet.
  • Technology is an extension of evolutionary life, best thought of as the 7th kingdom of life.
  • Humanity is our first technology; We are tools.
  • Technology is selfish; as a system it exhibits its own urges and tendencies.
  • Technologies cannot be banned, and none go extinct.
  • The progression of technologies is inevitable.
  • Because technologies are inevitable we can prepare to optimize their benefits.
  • Technology is not neutral but serves as an overwhelming positive force in human culture.
  • We have a moral obligation to increase technology because it increases opportunities.
  • The origins of technology lie in the Big Bang.
  • Technology preceded humans and will continue beyond us.
  • Among the things technology wants are increased diversity, complexity, and beauty.
  • Technology may be as much a reflection of the divine as nature is.
  • Technology is an infinite game, a grand story we can align ourselves with for greater meaning.

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