Finally capturing up on some links and reading… a chunk of interesting research here about trust in social networks:
- Professional decision-making is becoming more social
- Traditional influence cycles are being disrupted by Social Media as decision makers utilize social networks to inform and validate decisions
- Professionals want to be collaborative in the decision-cycle but not be marketed or sold to online; however online marketing is a preferred activity by companies.
- The big three have emerged as leading professional networks: LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter
- The average professional belongs to 3-5 online networks for business use, and LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are among the top used.
- The convergence of Internet, mobile, and social media has taken significant shape as professionals rely on anywhere access to information, relationships and networks
- Professional networks are emerging as decision-support tools
- Decision-makers are broadening reach to gather information especially among active users
- Professionals trust online information almost as much as information gotten from in-person
- Information obtained from offline networks still have highest levels of trust with slight advantage over online (offline: 92% – combined strongly/somewhat trust; online: 83% combined strongly/somewhat trust)
- Reliance on web-based professional networks and online communities has increased significantly over the past 3 years
- Three quarters of respondents rely on professional networks to support business decisions
- Reliance has increased for essentially all respondents over the past three years
- Social Media use patterns are not pre-determined by age or organizational
affiliation- Younger (20-35) and older professionals (55+) are more active users of social tools than middle aged professionals.
- There are more people collaborating outside their company wall than within their organizational intranet
There is more information here on Don Bulmer’s blog: Everyday Influence: SNCR Research Reveals Social Media’s Impact on Business and Decision Making