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This ANZAC day…

Take time to remember. One way you can do this is to take the time to watch this movie produced by the extraordinarily talented Martin Walsh. It is incredibly moving and a reminder of the sacrifice made by so many.

105 Australians and 3 New Zealanders fought and defeated an overwhelming enemy force of 2,500 North Vietnamese and Viet Cong soldiers in a rubber plantation in South Vietnam called Long Tan. This three and a half hour battle was so fierce it resulted in the deaths of 18 Australians and more than 500 enemy.

2 Responses

  1. By Charles Hannah on April 22nd, 2012 at 9:51 pm

    There are many reasons to remember the Kiwis and Australians who fought in Vietnam and Martin’s documentary is a good way to do this. The next step in this journey is to tell the story of Harry Smith and the men of D Company and their Kiwi artillery support in a dramatic movie – something that Martin and I intend to do before too long. Thanks for recommending Martin’s LONG TAN documentary. Charles Hannah

    • By Givanilda on May 27th, 2012 at 7:13 pm

      ego pali poy den eimai moysikos alla apla mia akrtoaria, eimai eleftherh na pw thn apopsi mou h de moy to epitrepei h logokrisia drakoumel ???exo dei to maraveya toul. 2 fores kai aftes se synavlia. poly kalos kallitechnhs, poly kalh energeia kamia sxesh diladi me afto poy eida thn paraskevh.de thelo na sxoliaso to xwro symfwnw apolyta me to stroumfaki, alla re paidia oso kalos kai an einai kapoios den einai dynaton na kanei kalo programma epi 4! toylaxiston ores ennoeitai pos tha kanei koilia kai o kosmos tha koyrastei mhn po tha skylovarethei. to programma einai apla xechilomeno, poly megalh diarkeia xwris nohma kai me apotelesma na xaneis thn epafh mazi toy kai aftos mazi sou. kamia energeia, toylaxiston oxi afth poy exo dei kai xero oti mporei na exei.kai kati telefttaio gia ton mousiko tragoydisth- guest: otan anevaineis sth skhnh den paizeis gia thn party soy, paizeis gia thn party sou kai gia olous aftoys poy einai ekei kai se akoyne! an se endiaferei mono to prwto den einai anagkh na tragoydas h aftoi na se akoyne.p.s. misaoro dialeimma???!!!! oute sta skyladika pou leei kai o kollhtos!!!

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