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The Marketing Workflow

Have been collecting Marketing Workflows which I think, done right, unleash marketing productivity and efficiency. What’s interesting is how, well, primitive many of they are. Then I was bouncing around my Feedly feed and came across this piece over at Stacking Bricks. Was a really interesting view of a content workflow that you could manifest and largely automate in Simple.


  • We write our articles in Markdown
  • We use git locally to save our work
  • We use github to share the repo across our team (me (Amy), Alex, Thomas and Becky)
  • As we edit local files, the local (developer) copy of the site is continuously refreshed by guard
  • The podcast listing and individual pages are automatically generated from our podcast feed
  • When we git push all committed changes are automatically deployed to our host
  • We added some features to nanoc to make curating our content so much easier, and will be adding so much more!

Lots of other stuff worth noting in the story – the idea of a clear process that gets into the meat of standardising things like meta data and more. And gotta love this:

Every piece of content has a slug — or short name — we can use to build links without having to touch absolute URLs. That means if the filename or path for a page changes, so will all the links. (YESSSSS.)

Am interested in hearing about your Marketing Workflows!

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