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The Entrepreneurs Advantage

I love reading stories about Entrepreneurs. I’ve been one for parts of my life and have loved it. 

This story reminded me of one of the critical advantages Entrepreneurs have over the employee inside a big business – they are willing to sacrafice things close to them – their car in this case – to pursue the dream. Not something the average project owner of middle manager could or would do.

At the core of this is something I’ve seen in many Entrepreneurs – they totally grok the idea that for something to happen, something must stop. And that is what is missing from so many businesses. Most want to do more, with more. But not more by doing less of something.

Read the story till the end – you will see the other thing that makes so many Entrepreneurs great – they are passionate about their purpose as much as their product.

How do you respond to people who ask, “What’s the big deal? It’s just a drink”?

It is just a drink, but I think at the core of everything that is generic there can be something amazing. So you could take something like lasagna—why would I order a lasagna? But there is definitely a place to go where the lasagna will blow you away. It’s the same for ice cream, same for stout, same for whiskey. I think that engaging people with something as common as a cup of coffee, but making it amazing—how incredible that can be.


One Response

  1. By Jose on March 5th, 2012 at 2:19 pm

    There’s no way to describe what I do. It’s just me. Andy Kaufman. Kaufman is a major snipiration of mine. Just be yourself. Your life will be your art. His ideas were so simple and brilliant. I wish I had a chance to know him. He was an enlightened being, for sure.

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