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Some Good Thoughts on Social Media ROI

I like the thinking here… And this struck me as a pretty good model for thinking about measurement:

One Response

  1. By Fabiane on March 7th, 2012 at 9:39 pm

    I think that your assessment about Obama’s raeersvl will only occur if the media resumes reporting about Iraq. It’s kind of a catch-22. If things go poorly, the media will report it and Obama will seize upon news of dead Soldiers to bolster his campaign. If things continue going well – like they have been for months now – then the media will continue its silence and Obama will continue his current platform of BS.ISF has wrested control of Basra from Sadr’s militia and is now conducting operations along the Iranian border to dismantle Ramazan Corp EFP smuggling networks. Sadr continues hiding in Iran under the guise of getting religious education so that he can shed his title of Mullah Atari for the title of a more respectable cleric. Sadr’s militia got slapped down in Kut, Najaf, Karbala, and now ISF controls most of Sadr City. Violence is way down, in terms of casualties for civilians, coalition forces, and ISF. And Special Groups operatives are being rounded up everyday. And AQI is almost completely wiped out, now hiding out in its last refuge in alleyways of Mosul and remote desert areas of Ninewa. And foreign fighter flow into the country is almost completely choked off.Clearly there is no news to report from Iraq!

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