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So, What’s A Tablet Anyway?

About 20 or so years ago (i’m slightly in denial of the timeframe) I got to work on launching an amazing piece of new technology – the GridPad. Arguably the first Tablet ever. Today, you’d think the category exclusively referred to the iPad. That’s simply narrowing the definition.

I have three devices kicking around my home that all fit the bill. First, a PC tablet running Win 7. It’s great for Office work. I have an iPad which I mainly use for viewing movies and TV shows, reading the off book, and pouring through magazines on planes. Then I have a Dell Streak which I carry everywhere for email, video, games and all kinds of other stuff. My iPhone also follows in tow but I’m liking the screen less and less after a month or so on the Streak. About all that keeps me on it is getting my ass kicked on WordswithFriends and trying to defeat the pigs in Angry Birds.

The idea of living widgets vs. apps, and the speed and versatility of Android, would make Android an ideal Tablet platform. Here is hoping we get there soon. For me though, buying an Android tablet will hinge on the quality of the content. Better games, richer media and amazing content.

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