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Love these Principles

Well worth the longer read… but some principles every marketing team should embrace.

  • Cross-functional teams — collaboration among different disciplines fosters creativity
  • Small, dedicated, co-located teams — optimize for team communication and bonding
  • Progress = outcomes, not output — measure all work by its impact on real customers
  • Problem-focused teams — the team is focused on a business problem, not a set of tasks
  • Removing waste — ruthlessly jettison processes that don’t help move outcomes forward
  • Small batch size — work in small increments where possible to test ideas in the world
  • Continuous discovery — understanding prospects and customers is an ongoing journey
  • GOOB (“get out of the building”) — go talk to real customers in their environment
  • Shared understanding — teams aren’t just a sequence of siloed contributions
  • Anti-pattern: rockstars, gurus, ninjas — team cohesion is better than stars
  • Externalizing your work — get ideas out of heads and into tangible forms
  • Making over analysis — just debating ideas is a waste, go try them out
  • Learning over growth — learn what works before you rush into scaling it up
  • Permission to fail — breed a culture of experimentation, which breeds creativity
  • Getting out of the deliverables business — focus on customers, not documentation

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