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It’s Huge

Two of the most popular questions I’ve been getting of late are: why aren’t you blogging as much; and, how do you like your iPad Pro. On the first – I’ve just been flat-out working with the amazing team at Xero. On the latter, it’s well, huge.

I’m very mixed on Apple products these days. Love Apple TV but just too hard to navigate little things like seasons of TV shows. Used to love my iPhone but updates have rendered search all but unusable, the battery life stinks and everything just seems slow. My Google Nexus gets more use, and pure Android is lovely to use.

So what of the iPad Pro? The size is stunning. The screen is amazing. The pen is remarkable (if you can get one) for sketching and note taking. The keyboard is, well, unavailable pretty much. It’s staggering that a company of Apple’s size and smarts couldn’t get its supply chain wrapped around the idea that most people would want a ridiculously priced keyboard and pen. We want everything you make!

The compares to notebook computers are silly in my mind. This is the ultimate creative tool and entertainment consumption device. iOS just isn’t there as a replacement to the desktop operating system. For email, word processing, surfing the web, reading, watching movies, and more – the iPad Pro eats everything else alive.  If you, like me, need to create spunky presentations, motor through big sets of numbers, write thousands of words and the like, then you’ll be hanging onto your MacBook or Dell XPS13. Priced in the mid-range of most Notebooks, the iPad Pro is pretty much a luxury device so long as it’s not a full replacement. 

The iPad Prod is the ultimate Apple indulgence. I say that not just regarding price but in that elements like the pen and keyboard don’t work with anything else.

I’ve been using my iPad Pro for a couple of weeks now. The battery life is great. It’s a little heavy for reading books. But, gorgeous for reading mags on Zinio, Texture and the like. Movies look stunning. And I’m loving taking notes in Evernote and sketching using Paper and Zen Brush.

Other than Apple’s supply chain woes, the only other annoyance is the six digit pin – why not stick with four. Just annoying.

So would I recommend you rush out any buy one? If you are a creator, for sure. If you are hoping for a Notebook replacement, not yet. If you are a nomad and consume heaps of your favorite movies and content on the move – absolutely. Unlike my iWatch, no regrets on this one.

But since when did logic apply to any Apple purchase? We’re expected to buy as soon as they launch right? Aren’t we?

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