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How You Do Things Matters

Here’s an interesting list of trends from the recent Ad Exchangers’ summit. Its a great list. I’d argue there is a big one missing.

And that is to do with automating the business of marketing. How we do things as marketers needs to be automated and moved to the cloud – this will in turn free up capacity to embrace these trends.The category has an entirely uninteresing monkier – Marketing Resource Management – think of it as Marketing Effectiveness Engine.

  1. Is 1:1 interaction with your audience actually necessary? Is 1:some actually fine? Research shows that marketers are not sure about the payoff of a segmented versus individualized approach. Joanna O’Connell, Director of Research, AdExchanger
  2. “Programmatic”, or a way of automating the buy and sell process, was the word of the day. Panelists agree that people always will create demand, but the demand can then be processed by technology.
  3. Native Ads are on the rise. To combat “banner blindness and skipped pre-roll ads”, marketers are increasing the level of programmatic digital advertising. –Rebecca Lieb, Industry Analyst, The Altimeter Group
  4. Measure Native Ad effectiveness against paid, earned, and owned media convergence. Start measuring somewhere or you’ll never know what works. -Lieb
  5. It’s time for marketers to act, not just think, like real publishers. “Be omnipresent but not superfluous,” noted Jonathan Hunt, Head of Digital Strategy, Vice. “Cater to where your future audience actively consumers, creates, and shares what’s most important to them.”
  6. Empathy is the key to going viral. The sharing mindset goes beyond keywords and tags, and is emotional based. Smart content in marketing embraces this factor. –Jonah Peretti, Founder and CEO, BuzzFeed
  7. Mobile is a marketing must. Prepare to embrace integrated, contextual, and experiential strategic mobile marketing. Jenny Wise, Mobile Marketing Analyst, Forrester Research
  8. Cross-Device Linkage metrics are increasingly important for some business models to analyze. AOL Networks is seeing that with brand advertisers 45% of display spend is going cross-linkage, according to CEO Bob Lord.
  9. Publications are still untapped grounds to support your earned media strategy. Think The New York Times “PAID POST” where brands share thought leadership content in a natural discovery environment. –Michael Zimbalist, VP, R&D, The New York Times
  10. Centralizing data sources is key to your engagement strategy. Understanding how to develop a universal customer profile is critical to delivering on the promise of relevance and value. –Kevin Akeroyd, GM, Oracle Marketing Cloud

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