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Giving Up Email

Enjoyed this read and thought this bit was spot on:

We have finally understood and came to terms with the fact that we could no longer sustain that method of working in an environment where we now know there are much much better collaborative and knowledge sharing tools out there with social software. We are finally embracing that notion that we need to smarten up in our very own use of email, even if that implies playing games, and start considering how email is no longer the king and master of the corporate world, but just another useful tool for certain types of interactions where it is rather suited for the job.

2 Responses

  1. By JoolianP on February 12th, 2012 at 11:28 pm

    These are some old comScore stats but webmail usage has been declining for a couple of years for anyone under 54.


  2. By JoolianP on February 12th, 2012 at 11:31 pm

    Sorry, pressed submit too quickly…..

    Even though I’m in that group, for a while, I wasn’t sure it was practical until recently but DM is growing at work – only problem being archiving it if it is needed later.

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