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elBulli: a creative organization Management Innovation eXchange

Really liked this case study over at the MIX. It’s this kind of stuff that makes it part of my weekly reads:


ElBullis experience in building the creative organization brings to the fore the importance of having a model of organization aligned towards creativity.

5 determinants of the creative organization at elBulli are presented:

1-Creation and Creativity-Focus on creativity rather than customers-Exploring new path rather than leveraging activities already carried out

2-Diversity-In team composition-Broad, diverse cognitive base-Incorporation of new ideas-Greater ability to interpret reality, crafting innovative options

3-Strong Organizational Identity-Based on strong long lasting values -Generosity to share knowledge in and outside the organization-Teamwork:individual talent to enhance organizational talent-Extreme creativity

4-Low macroculture embeddedness-No comparison or benchmark with competitors-Viewed by the market as an artistic experience: elBulli=art-elBullis gastronomy spans across arts, psychology, science and technology-Breaking new ground: avant-garde cooking

5-Open business model-Knowledge is created in and outside the organization-Partnership that enable knowledge acquisition i.e.,Harvard-Sharing knowledge with others

via elBulli: a creative organization Management Innovation eXchange.

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