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calling image junkies

Google now enables you to hunt down all those free images faster

Today, we’re launching a feature on Image Search to help you find images that you can use for free, while respecting the wishes of artists and creators. This feature allows you to restrict your Image Search results to images that have been tagged with licenses like Creative Commons, making it easier to discover images from across the web that you can share, use and even modify. Your search will also include works that have been tagged with other licenses, like GNU Free Documentation license, or are in the public domain.

2 Responses

  1. By Laura on August 7th, 2012 at 12:19 am

    Steven Van Staden – To buaitufel to say the least!!! Lizelle you look buaitufel and looks like Baba is very close now hey. Oh and Rocco I dont feel so bad about my boep anymore, Thanks Boet!!! Love and miss you guys tons!!!!

  2. By oromhfgt on August 8th, 2012 at 5:03 pm

    hyAcsC occiniyoalct

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