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Apple’s mojo

Steve has an interesting post on Apple’s mojo steadily eroding. I agree, although I’m not sure any of us could arrive at the same thesis if Steve had done his keynote and Apple had launched some noteworthy products. In particular I agree that some of Apple’s hottest client-side products are loosing their luster to better web-based competitors.

What I would say is that Apple’s mojo has shifted as well, moving to the device. There it is rock solid mojo.

Then there is this from Dan Lyons, who is back positing again… yay!

I’ve been filing a lot out of Macworld and will have more coming later in week from CES. (Groan.) Latest is “Macworld, MacBoring,” describing the sad-ass spectacle that was yesterday’s Macworld keynote by Phil Schiller and wondering, “Is Apple’s golden era over?” Left out of this article (because I filed fast) was the fact that despite the lameness of the keynote, and the lack of anything really exciting, there was no shortage of bootlicking fanboys in the audience, cheering over every little thing and sometimes moaning orgasmically. There’s only one word for this: scary. Even worse were the hardcore Mac hacks who were sitting in the press pool and cheering too. (While most of us were just bored out of our minds.) I’ve never seen hacks actually clap and cheer at a press event unless it was an Apple event. Also check out a post I did for Newsweek’s tech blog, “What would Apple be without Steve Jobs?” Twitter length version: Apple needs to do something about a succession plan

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