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Amazon Amazing

Just incredible watching the speed of Amazon’s execution.  Very little legacy businesses will be able to do to match the pace without a total structural and cultural overhaul. 

Amazon starts the week with an amazing stick and ends it buying Wholefoods. In the middle rumors swirl about an enterprise software acquisition. All of which makes total stranger sense. 

Walmart, not wanting to skip a beat buys Bonobos

Initial coverage seems to be focusing on the moves as a online/offline retail convergence shift. That’s the tip of the iceberg. 

First, this is about acquiring distribution points and driving disruption in local delivery. Second, its about brand power. Besos gets brands and the power they have when backed by cash, great product and marketing. Look at what he did with the Washington Post. Wholefoods will get a brand boost and Amazon will get reach; a high income demographic, and a nice onramp to the largest retail segment – grocery. Wouldn’t be surprised to see Besos keep going – Trader Joes and others are good targets. 


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