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Great Quote From Vinod Khosla

Q  U  O  T  E D

“Things go wrong. There is lots of uncertainty, and there are times when you’re unsure of yourself. I’ve found that the less people know, the more sure they are. It’s this sort of schizophrenic divide between worrying that you’re going out of business and dreaming big that’s needed. Sophisticated entrepreneurs know this. Less sophisticated entrepreneurs don’t even know whom to ask for advice. They’ll ask a marketing and a technology question to the same person. Ask different questions of different people, both those who have been successful and those who haven’t. You learn a lot when you fail. It’s a seemingly small nuance, but they can make a huge difference in a company’s trajectory.

Venture capitalist Vinod Khosla offers some free advice to budding businessfolk

Link to MercuryNews.com | 10/15/2006 | Venture capitalist a techie at heart

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