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Must Read Blogging From Delhi

Paul Holmes is in Delhi this week for the ICCO (International Communications Consultancy Organisation) World Summit, which has brought together some senior public relations people from around the world to discuss “next practices.” His posts are absolutely worth reading. Some of the highlights so far:

  • The Disconnect: Peter Verrengia of Fleishman Hillard, talking about evaluation
  • From Control to Conversation: Publicis Group PR chairman Lou Capozzi talks about the shift from an age of controlled communication to a new age of conversation… Paul Taaffe of Hill & Knowlton, provides a lively counterpoint. He doesn’t disagree with Lou, but he does question whether any public relations firm — his own included — is ready to step up to the challenge of driving conversations, and doing so in a media neutral way. >> I would also add “client neutral” way.
  • A License to Thrill: Harold Burson in his mid 80s is still as spry and engaged as ever… He has interesting things to say about the lack of any institutionalized body of knowledge and therefore of any sense of history, all of which I agree with, but his speech is likely to be remembered for his endorsement of licensing…

Go read and subscribe to The Holmes Report – money well spent.

2 Responses

  1. By author on September 14th, 2011 at 1:15 pm

    rill: Harold Burson in his mid 80s is still as spry and engaged as ever… He has interesting things to say about the lack of any institutionalized body of knowledge and therefore of any sense of history, all of which I agree with, but his speech is likely to be remembered for his endorsement of licensing…

  2. By author on September 14th, 2011 at 1:15 pm

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