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Simplicity = Goodness

Most communicators struggle to pull together strong presentations for and with their excutives. But for a few, the effort to drive simplicity is more than often nuked by executives that would rather push more content onto slides than listen to good counsel.

Steve Jobs not only listens, he is in a league of his own. Take a look at this terrific view of his recent Nano preso. It is a text book case-study in how a presentation should be… Zen like.

One Response

  1. By Scott Baradell on September 27th, 2005 at 4:53 pm

    I couldn’t agree more. I think many corporate executives are so insecure about their ability to communicate — although they would NEVER admit it — that they almost disguise their ideas with words. If you’ve got something worthwhile to say, you can say it simply.

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